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Quiz   B           wl

Quiz Bowl is a local and state competition which requires students to have a strong understanding of a variety of content areas and general knowledge of literature, current events, and pop culture. Our teams compete on several levels, ranging from 6th to 9th grade, with the potential of competing at the high school level. Matches consist of four rounds, with the 1st and 4th containing twenty questions each. These rounds offer the most potential points and requires students to press a buzzer to answer. Throughout the competition, each team only has one chance to answer a question correctly before being locked out. The 2nd round also requires a student from your team to buzz in, answer correctly, before giving your team a chance for a bonus question set, which allows teams to converse before answering. The round with the fastest pace, and which can make or break a team, is the 3rd round. This round is called the "lightning round," in which teams choose one from three categories and do their best to answer all ten questions correctly before sixty seconds pass. This round also allows the opposing team to "steal" points from questions missed during the round.


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